Most of the time you can still be awake to meet your baby
You can often still do skin to skin
You can usually still have your support person there
You can often still have delayed cord clamping
If you have an epidural in, then it can usually be boosted and used as your anaesthetic.
About any preferences you might have for an emergency caesarean section should you need one.

This can include placental abruption, cord prolapse, uterine rupture, intrapartum haemorrhage or presumed fetal compromise.
Approximately 15% of women have an emergency Caesarean Section, and of these <10% are Category 1.
That is less than 1.5% of all births in New Zealand.
If you have a General Anaesthetic you will be reunited with your baby as soon as you are awake and well enough. Usually this is within 30-40 minutes. It is everyone's priority to have you together as soon as possible, safely. Until that time, they will be with your whānau.
- The teams will be notified by pager or phone. This includes Neonatal/Paediatric resuscitation teams for your baby, the operating theatre staff, and the Anaesthetic team.
- You will be transferred quickly into the Operating Theatre
- The Anaesthetist will discuss the best anaesthetic options for you
The choices are:
- A spinal anaesthetic (where you will be awake).
- A boost of your epidural (if you have one).
- A general anaesthetic (where you will be asleep). This is slightly faster and sometimes is the safest option.
If you are having a General Anaesthetic then your support person usually won't be able to be in the room, so that the theatre team are able to concentrate on looking after you and your baby. Once your baby is born the Neonatal team will have your baby with your support person as soon as possible.

Dr Morgan Edwards
New Zealand
Views are my own
the information
on this page is accurate and up to date.
However there is no substitute for
individualised medical advice,
so please speak to your
Midwife, Obstetrician, Anaesthetist
or GP if you have
any further questions